Top 5 Proven Cybersecurity Tips for Small Businesses

Top 5 Proven Cybersecurity Tips for Small Businesses
Oct 1, 2024 Reading time : 4 min

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and a few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it.” 

Stephane Nappo (Global Chief Information Security Officer)

Cybercrime is probably one of the fastest-growing crimes in the world right now. And regardless of how big the data breach is, it has the potential to ruin the whole business’s reputation in just a matter of seconds. 

Staying protected from cyberattacks can be challenging, especially in the current dynamics, where cyberbullies always come up with new ways to bully the system. 

Still, there is a good deal of cybersecurity tips that you can use to prevent a cyberattack, which I’m also listing down in this read to keep your business secure. 

Let’s start! 

Practice an Optimal Password Management

In the digital realm, the passwords usually serve as gatekeepers of your digital asset, the more strong your passwords are, the more secure your system becomes. By creating a complex and lengthy password, you can ensure to pass any brute force attack.

In fact, it is so significant that it can take a cybercriminal 5 hours to crack a password that is eight characters long, but more than 10 years if it is 11 characters. And more than 74 MILLION YEARS if the password has 16 characters in it. So, the longer and more complex your password is, the safer it is for your digital assets. 

Two or Multi-Factor Authentication

Two or Multi-Factor Authentication (2FA or MFA) is a great way to protect your business from cyberattacks. This adds an extra layer of protection while making it difficult for unauthorized individuals to gain access, even if your password gets compromised somehow. 

And, do you know? According to Adroit Market Research, the MFA will have a $20 billion market share (Which is huge, by the way). So, try to implement a perfect 2FA or MFA practice, whenever possible, this is particularly for critical services like online banking, accounting systems, or email systems. 

Train Your Employees

According to a recent study, cited by CNBC report, employee negligence is the main reason behind data breaches. In fact, 47% of the businesses pointed towards human error like accidental loss of office devices as the major cause behind the data breach. 

Therefore, it is essential to have proper cybersecurity training to keep your business secure. So, here are some of the scenarios you can train your employees for: 

  • Not to click on some suspicious links on the Email. 
  • Using insecure USB sticks can introduce viruses to your system. 
  • Secure storage of the client’s information
  • What to do if an office device is lost or stolen. 
  • How to properly dispose of a technology when it is no longer in use. 

Do You Know? 

According to Statista, the cyber threats are so big that in 2019, the amount of data breaches in the U.S. amounted to almost 1,473 with over 164.68 million sensitive records getting exposed.

Always keep Your Software Up to Date

The software usually includes security patches, that are there to wrestle against any cyberattack, this is why it is essential to keep them up to date. Most people are used to the automatic updates of their system, but there are also some devices like Wi-Fi router’s firmware that require a manual update. So, it is often suggested to keep them up to date as without those security patches your system may always be vulnerable to cyberattacks. 

Have Regular File Backups

Regardless of whether you use a cloud or physical server, having a proper backup of all of your essentials is always critical to be prepared for any mishappening. This serves as a safety net that will later allow you to recover your data in any data breach, system failure, or any other unforeseen circumstances. So, by keeping a backup file separate from your primary server, you can make a critical investment in your overall business security

The Bottom Line

In brief, there are a range of strategies you can implement to protect your company. And, you don’t even need a deep understanding of cybersecurity technology to implement those solutions. So, use the necessary measures before it is too late for your organization, as the global cost of cybercrime is expected to reach about USD 10.5 trillion annually by 2025.

So, by prioritizing the strategies mentioned in this read, you can not only save your business from potential data breaches but also build resilience against evolving threats. 

Priya Prakash
Posted by
Priya Prakash

Internet Writer

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