How Long Does It Take For Google Reviews to Appear?

google reviews visibility duration
Nov 26, 2024 Reading time : 5 min

What’s the first thing you check when you are looking for a new hotel or a service provider? Of course, Reviews!!

There are several such platforms but the popularity of Google is still the highest when customers look for customer experience and opinions.

Google Reviews have proved to be a major factor in consumers’ decision-making.

It has also helped establish credibility for the business as well as enhanced the online presence of many businesses in a good light; some businesses buy Google 5 star Reviews to be seen on top of their competitors.

However, there also come times when you search for your Google reviews, and they do not appear, making you feel agitated as you have put in effort to acquire those reviews and your business should be able to reap the benefits of this.

Don’t fret as in this article, we will discuss and see how long Google reviews normally take before they reflect and what are the reasons for their delay.

How Long Does It Take for Google Reviews To Appear?

Usually, it takes a few minutes to a few hours for Google reviews to appear after they have been posted, however, in several cases, it may take a bit longer than a whole day to get published and be reviewed. 

The time it will take depends on several factors that we will learn in the next section, so keep on scrolling. 

Reasons Why Google Reviews Might Be Delayed In Publishing? 

When your Google reviews are not visible, that is when you have done something wrong that needs to be corrected.

The reasons Google reviews might be delayed in publishing include: 

Google Business Listing Verification Issues

The most probable reason that your Google Reviews are not showing up is that your business listing hasn’t been verified yet. 

Google does this task to ensure that the information displayed on the platform is accurate and the customers are not misled by any chance.

Hence, if you suspect that your Google reviews are not showing up for this reason, then verify your listing using Google My Business.

Here, you can manage your business information and make sure the details are accurate. 

Google Reviews Statistics 

The Review is Flagged as Spam

Google doesn’t want customers to fall into any irrelevant tactics and spam, and so to ensure their security, the reviews that look suspicious are flagged as spam. 

Factors may include, 

  • The use of excessive keywords or irrelevant information or content. 
  • The language of the content of the review differs from the primary language of the business’s location. 
  • The content is repeatable and shows the same information multiple times. 
  • The account that posted the review appears to be fake. 

However, if you don’t want your reviews flagged as spam, ensure that the information is based on personal experience, and don’t post the review multiple times in a short period, 

Embedded Links in Google Reviews

Google Reviews follow certain guidelines according to which additional URLs or links are not acceptable when posting any review.

Therefore, the review that includes any of the URLs is rudely taken off within a minute.  

However, if you notice a review with a link and that review has not been deleted, contact that customer and ask them to remove the link before Google takes it down.

Fake Google Reviews

Google wants to uphold authenticity and transparency, therefore, any review uploaded with the profile with no name, picture, or other necessary details is considered a fake account and has been removed or deleted. 

Google Reviews Temporarily Disabled

Do You Know?
95% of consumers decide what to purchase after reading online reviews of local businesses, and 93% of them note their buying behavior is swayed because of review sites.

Your Business Has Changed Locations

If you have changed your location, and not updated this information on Google, you will surely not see the Google Reviews, and this is because they are associated with the previous location.

Thus, whenever you move, either merge the old listing with the new one or create a new listing for the business at its new address.

Google Reviews Temporarily Disabled

One possible reason for this could be that the traffic is too much and Google has fewer working members in its team which will make the review section in Google Business Profiles inactive for a particular period.

The User Removed Their Review

Sometimes users themselves remove the review they posted, the reasons might be they changed their mind, they are disappointed with the provided service, or might want to keep their account private. 

In this case, you must regularly go through the reviews, answer the queries that have been raised by the customers, and ask for improvement. 

Due to Google Bugs and Other Issues

Google is undoubtedly a complex platform, so it’s common for the company to sometimes face technical issues that might sometimes affect the appearance of Google Reviews. 

Although this issue is often resolved quickly, if you still face problems, don’t hesitate to contact Google Assistant. 

Conclusion: Let Google Reviews Appear Seamlessly!

According to reports, Google reviews have about a 20% impact on the local visibility of your business, so there’s no doubt that missing Google reviews can reversely impact the reputation of your business. 

That said, don’t miss out on any details and pointers provided in this article, and check if there is something you have done wrong or is inaccurately managed. 

Moreover, it’s very vital to make the habit of regularly monitoring your reviews, and also you can buy Trustpilot reviews to enhance the appearance and numbers of your Google reviews. 

Priya Prakash
Posted by
Priya Prakash

Internet Writer

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